John Jago
2024 bootstrapping journal

Day 89: Marketing Dashify Search

You create a product, so now what? You need to market it, which means letting the right people know that it exists—the people who have the problem the product solves.

Since Dashify Search is exclusive to Dashify Pro, people who downloaded the free version of Dashify for the order page design aren’t necessarily the people looking for a convenient WooCommerce order search. It’s almost like marketing a new product—which may or may not be a mistake that I made. But I think there’s a lot of potential in it.

Seeing how Google Ads have worked surprisingly well for the free version of Dashify—delivering over 2K page views each month with a CTR between 10% and 15% for the ad, several multiples of the industry average—I created a second campaign specifically for Dashify Search.

Facebook groups

Browsing through a the official WooCommerce Facebook group, I found one person who shared a snippet for searching products from the admin toolbar, saying it was really convenient for them. I know that I can’t self-promote in those groups, but it’s a good sign that it’s in demand.

Where do people look first?

So how else do I market it besides Google Ads? I’ve created a landing page for it on the Dashify website, and I think that’s where I need to focus next.

When someone is looking for a quick solution, where do they go fist? At least for me, I will open Google (if DuckDuckGo fails to deliver relevant results) and do a brief search to see what’s out there, using a term I think best describes the thing. Only if I don’t find an adequate solution do I go into private groups to ask people.

With that in mind, it seems like creating a good marketing website as a whole, with the individual pages all having the terms that people are searching for, is the best way to get in front of those searching for WooCommerce solutions.

Next: Day 90: Concluding my work journal
Previous: Day 88: Inspired by Record Club