John Jago
2024 bootstrapping journal

Day 88: Inspired by Record Club

Some time ago, I came across Record Club, which calls itself “A new way to discover and share music with friends.”

This won’t be a post discussing their idea—just their blog page.

I liked how when you hovered over a card, the whole card was clickable. However, they didn’t wrap an <a> around the whole card—that wouldn’t be good for accessibility and SEO. The anchor tag only wrapped around the title of the post.

GIF of the blog list page for Record Club, where when I hover over any part of a blog post card with the mouse pointer, it is clickable.

After some inspecting and researching, I found out how this can be achieved with an ::after pseudo element. I won’t go into detail here—maybe I should in a technical post—but in the end, this is how the Dashify blog page looked:

GIF of the blog list page for Dashify, with the mouse hovering over different parts of a blog card to show that any part of it is clickable despite the anchor tag being around the heading text only.

I also touched up the article template, making the column narrower and text larger for a more comfortable reading experience.

The last thing I did today was write up an article about the WordPress Playground, a neat tool from the official WordPress team that I found as an alternative to InstaWP. It’s not directly related to WooCommerce, so I don’t know how much it will help the right audience discover Dashify, but it was a piece of knowledge I couldn’t save to myself.

Next: Day 89: Marketing Dashify Search
Previous: Day 87: Easy to measure