From sending 12 messages yesterday to people who commented on a dead competitor’s product, I got two responses! Now, since Dashify is not exactly like the competitor, although it has the same end goal, let’s see if it will be a good fit for them.
I also received a pleasant surprise email from someone who I previously talked to a lot at the startup.
In all, there have been a few people who sent in messages about Dashify, or that I have emailed, and so today I spent time following up with each one.
Each conversation is a unique, coming from different places I’ve tried to market Dashify, so each follow-up today was personalized accordingly.
Personally, my inbox in the past has overflowed to the point where I forgot about emails I genuinely meant to get back to, and so when people followed up it reminded me that those emails existed, and it was really helpful.
I’ve also been thinking how in-depth I want to go with these journal entries. I could make a case study about the technique of email follow-ups, but do I really want to invest my time into that? Is that my intention here? It’s easy for me to take something too far without realizing it.