John Jago
2024 bootstrapping journal

Day 38: Catching up on the journal entries

Today I cheated a little, writing the journal entries for the past few days.

Since I didn’t have time to do any work during my 5 day trip to California, I thought I would at least be able to squeeze in daily reflections on things I’ve been thinking about for Dashify, but even that I didn’t find time for.

I took the opportunity in these catch up entries to ask and answer myself questions which will help me over the next few weeks. I thought about conversion rates, how much money I could make from a WooCommerce plugin, what I should include in the paid version of Dashify, and how I should go about implementing the paid version.

It was good that I had the chance to do this, as it made me more confident about some decisions after I wrote about them in detail. Writing is thinking.

Next: Day 39: Buy me a coffee
Previous: Day 37: Can you make enough money from selling a WooCommerce plugin?