John Jago

Day 3: First blog post on the Dashify website

Each morning I check my email to see if there’s been any activity for Dashify. This could be new submissions to our Google Form linked from within the plugin (there’s been 3 so far), emails from people I’ve emailed, or a post to the support forum.

Today, there was nothing, so I decided to get started on something that’s worked well for me (and many other products) in the past: a blog post that drives relevant traffic to the site.

What I’ve made on the website (a static HTML site) is simple, but it loads really fast and gets to the point, which I’ve found people appreciate a lot. I’ve seen many other company blogs trying to “do SEO” by pumping out posts that take forever to get to the point. Supposedly there’s a reason for it, but I don’t buy it. Those always leave a bad taste in my mouth and hardly ever deliver the actual information I’m looking for. And so, I’m trying to write the kind of blog posts that I myself would appreciate.

Screenshot of the first blog post I wrote for the Dashify blog, showing the title, publish date, author, and the start of the article that has a summary. The page is plain with the Dashify navigation at the top.

Complete with screenshots to show what the article is talking about visually:

Screenshot of the middle of the article, showing a series of screenshots on how to change an order’s status in WooCommerce.

Along with this, I decided to fill up the footer a little more and added a list of recent blog posts, privacy and terms pages, as well as some help links. I hope that with the recent blog posts shown in the footer of the home page, it will show that Dashify is an active project.

Screenshot of the footer on the Dashify website which has new content: links to the recent blog posts, privacy and terms pages, and help links. The layout of the footer is three columns with a small, full-width area underneath a faint line for the copyright and a greeting of the day.

👋 This is my work journal, a series where I write daily about trying to make a living building a bootstrapped software product.