John Jago

Day 20: The plan for May

May is when Dashify will get its first paying customer. Here’s how I’m going to achieve that.

Finishing WooCommerce Subscriptions support

I’m going to spend the first few days of next week adding support for the “subscription edit” page of the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension. Yesterday, I released an update that made the subscription list much nicer, so now it looks similar to what Dashify does to the regular order list. I think the overview analytics will be particularly useful—it’s something new that merchants didn’t have before.

Here’s what a merchant sees with Dashify:

Screenshot of the subscription list page of WooCommerce Subscriptions, styled with Dashify and showing newly added analytics on top of the table.

Here’s how it looks without Dashify. Notice all the filters and search boxes!

Screenshot of the subscription list page of WooCommerce Subscriptions without Dashify.

Small tweaks

There are many things I have noted down about the UI of Dashify that I wish to improve to make things cleaner and more usable, particularly on mobile. This shouldn’t take more than a couple days but will make a big difference in someone’s first impressions of it.

Website improvements and daily WooCommerce tips

After subscriptions and the small tweaks, I’ll spend all my time on the Dashify website. I have so much I want build out and write for it, including a blog post list page, a public changelog of product updates, updated graphics. I will also be publishing posts daily, focusing on WooCommerce tips explained simply and anything in regards to frustrations with the order dashboard.

The goal will be to replace paying for Google Ads with content marketing, getting the visitors back up to 10 or 20 per day.

At the same time, Dashify will be sponsoring a newsletter called WooWeekly every week in May.

Active installs

With all the above efforts, I’m shooting for the active installation count to go to 20+ and at least stay there.

First paid version of Dashify

With 20 sites actively using it, I’ll be confident to invest time moving around code and implementing payments to make a “Pro” version of the extension, which will have WooCommerce Subscriptions support as its first feature (it will be removed from the free version).

Then, first paying customer? Let’s see!

👋 This is my work journal, a series where I write daily about trying to make a living building a bootstrapped software product.