Personal blogs and websites are a wonderful form of expression. It’s not only the writing—the design says as much about a person as their words.
Here are some I enjoy reading. They are in no particular order.
- Henry Desroches
- Applied Cartography
- Matt Baer
- Herman Martinus
- Ben Borgers
- Laurel Schwulst
- Maggie Appleton
- Steph Ango
- Jeremy Côté
- Maximilian Hoffmann
- Dan Luu
- Mark MacKay’s Method of Action and Exploration Work
- Derek Sivers
- Tom MacWright
- Piper Haywood
- Ben Kuhn
- Javier Arce
- Brandur Leach
- Alexander Sandberg
- Manuel Moreale, who has a series People and Blogs
- Neil Panchal
- Linus Lee
- Wesley Aptekar-Cassels
- Andy Matuschak
- Matthew Butterick
- Nikita Prokopov